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 Settima stagione

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Numero di messaggi : 16
Età : 39
Data d'iscrizione : 09.02.09

Settima stagione Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Settima stagione   Settima stagione EmptyMar Feb 10, 2009 1:38 am

'One Tree Hill' creator signs up for 7th season
By MARTHA WAGGONER, Associated Press Writer – Tue Oct 14, 9:34 pm ET

RALEIGH, N.C. – The creator of the TV series "One Tree Hill" hopes the CW will decide by the first of the year whether to bring back the series now that he's agreed to head a seventh season.
In a phone interview from Wilmington, where the series is based, Mark Schwahn said he told the network he would like to know if the show is returning before filming begins on the last four to five episodes. To do that, he would need to know by Jan. 1.
"They (the CW) doesn't owe me that, but I feel like they owe it to the fans," Schwahn said.
Mark Schwahn has signed three deals, including a one-year agreement with Warner Bros. TV to continue as executive producer for a possible seventh season. His other deals include a two-year deal with CBS Paramount Network TV to develop new projects and a deal with CBS Records to begin his own imprint.
The CBS television deal allows him to remain at the helm of "One Tree Hill" if a seventh season is negotiated with the actors, whose six-year contracts end after this season.
In interviews in August, the actors who play Lucas, Peyton, Brooke, Nathan and Hayley were divided on whether they were interested in a seventh season.
But minds change, even over two months, and a regular paycheck can be a good thing in this economic climate.
"We all make a lot of money making this TV show," Schwahn said. "We feel very fortunate to have jobs."
On the other hand, it's a young cast and "when you're young, you're inclined to wonder what else is out there," he said. "They may want to go out and explore."
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